Saturday, July 7, 2012

Loving My Body

Honor yourself as a unique expression of the universe. 

This isn't a direct quote, but it is my interpretation of an idea found in the book Yoga From the Inside Out: Making Peace With Your Body Through Yoga. The book was given to me by my dear friend, Ally.  I have struggled with different kinds of eating disorders for over a decade, something I have in common with the author of the book. 

I started reading the book at Ojo Caliente, a mineral springs resort.  I thought it was a wonderful place to begin my journey toward self-love and acceptance of my body.  At Ojo Caliente, hundreds of visitors pass through, and almost everybody is wearing just a bathing suit. 

Normally, in that situation, I would compare my body to every other female's body.  To me, that is normal However, Yoga from the Inside Out celebrates individuality and urges us not to become too attached to our bodies.

sun mountain
My healthy body takes me to beautiful places. 

To accept my body, fully, is difficult.  In addition to issues with my weight, I have always wanted to be shorter, taller, have better hair, better eyesight, better skin...etc.  But wanting these things doesn't mean I will have them.  All it means is I will spend time that I could be happy wanting something that is impossible. 

"Never compare your inside with somebody else's outside." 
Hugh Macleod

There is no such thing as perfection.  Perfection is always relative. The perception of beauty will always be in the eye of the beholder.  Real beauty radiates from the inside. Negativity, toward others or the self, displaces the potential for more love and beauty in any moment. 

After reading Yoga from the Inside Out, I want to have a healthy and realistic view of my body.  It's still a very conscious effort for me, but I have noticed in the past month, I have been more relaxed about the way I look.  It hasn't changed the way I look on the outside, but has increased my sense of peace on the inside.

"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience.  We are spiritual beings having a human experience.-Teilhard de Chardin

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy that you found the book to be as inspirational as I did! Every day is still a conscious journey towards self-love and self-acceptance...but i just keep putting one foot in front of the other. OH, and the last quote in your post is one of my absolute FAVORITES from the book! I use it all the time in yoga class.


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