Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Aspen Trees

I am obsessed with Aspen trees, so much that I have two young Aspen leaves tattooed on my foot.

Aspen colonies usually derive from one single seed, making them a single living organism. This is an underground family root system.  For this reason, Aspen trees are usually the first to pop up after a forest fire, because the roots are so far underground that they don't get damaged.

I love the idea of the family root system.  To me, it is a reminder that everything in the universe is connected at the most fundamental level.

aspen tattoo
My feet!

I am not the only person who has obsessed over these beautiful trees...

In Celtic lore, Aspen trees serve as a transformative tool, from the material to the spiritual world. They saw nature as a gateway to the mystic/spiritual.

In French religious culture, it is said that the Aspen tree was used to make Christ's cross, which is why they continue to quiver today.  Others believe the quivering is the natural "om" vibration of the universe.  Really, the flat shape of the leaves make them sensitive to the slightest breeze.

aspen trees
Aspens in Santa Fe

 In many cultures, Aspens are thought to drive off evil spirits. A general shared meaning of the Aspen is that is represents the ability to overcome fears, doubts and other obstacles. 

The Santa Fe Ski Basin has a beautiful Aspen grove.  Right now, the leaves are green, but in the fall they become golden yellow before falling to the ground. Many locals and visitors head to Aspen Vista trail to see the grove. I plan on remaining a frequent visitor to the Santa Fe Aspen grove.

Aspen Leaves
Aspen leaves in the fall


  1. Even now, thousands of miles away, I love to visualize the Aspen trees in Santa Fe (especially when they are yellow!). Their beauty is such a perfect reflection of the Divine's beauty...and therefore the beauty that vibrates within us all.

    P.S. I LOVE all of the pictures in this post!

  2. Thank you! I had lots of fun taking those pictures!


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