Thursday, July 26, 2012

Blaise Pascal

The eternal silence of these infinite spaces frightens me.  
-Blaise Pascal

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Monster Battle

I love living in Santa Fe, and have become especially fond of the art group Meow Wolf.  Meow Wolf makes art an interactive experience.

On Sunday, July 22nd, Meow Wolf hosted their fifth annual Monster Battle. Anyone in Santa Fe was invited to dress up as a monster, ninja, alien, zombie etc. and battle on the Santa Fe Plaza.  Even though the weapons were not harmful (mostly pool noodles and water guns), the Santa Fe Police Department didn't allow the battle to take place, due to the lack of the proper permit.

I thought it was cool that the police didn't prohibit the event altogether, which I think would have happened in my home town.  Instead, the battle was moved to the Santa Fe River.

I didn't dress up - I thought my costume wouldn't be good enough.  I definitely wish I had, though, because I would have loved to be part of the battle! However, I did bring my camera, so I got some cool pictures. 

Most of the participants were in their 20's, but ages ranged from about 6-years-old to ??  Those kids were sneaky, too!

The best part about the battle was the huge variety of costumes... Like this housewife vs. the kid from Lord of the Flies (I don't know if that was his costume, but it was definitely his character.)

I had almost as much fun as the participants, just watching the battle unfold.

I think art groups like Meow Wolf make Santa Fe awesome and contribute to its reputation as "The City Different."  It's definitely the right place for me at this stage in my life.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Frank Horne: To You

To You

All my life
they told me
that You
would save my soul
that only
by kneeling in Your house
and eating of Your body
and drinking of Your blood
could I be born again...
And yet
one night
in the tall black shadow
of a windy pine
I offered up
the sacrifice of Body
upon the altar
of her breast...
who were conceived
without ecstasy
or pain
can You understand
that I knelt last night
in Your house
and ate of Your body
and drank of Your blood
...and only thought of her?

-Frank Horne
from "Letters Found Near a Suicide"

Saint Francis of Assisi

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


"The best things in life aren't things."-Art Buchwald

As a kid, I wanted to grow up so quickly.  I saw adulthood as a path to freedom; freedom to go where I want, eat what I want, and be who I wanted to be.  Technically, I can do these things, and try to as often as possible.  But, as an independent adult, I am attached to so many things.

Dream away,
 little Paige...

For example, on any given Saturday morning, I wake up and feel like I have to clean my whole (tiny) apartment (which really only takes about an hour), do laundry, clean dishes, go grocery shopping and suddenly it's almost noon! Then, I tend to to go on a hike, but really I should be cleaning my car (and fix the damn crack that has been in my windshield since February...of 2011!).

If I didn't have so many things, I probably wouldn't need a whole apartment.  If I had no car, I wouldn't need to repair it.  If my clothing collection didn't take up a closet and a whole dresser set, I wouldn't need to wash my clothes in such huge bulks of laundry (and forget about folding them, I do enough folding at work already.)  I think about how my impact on the Earth would be so much smaller without these things.

I don't even like coats!

But, what I have is all part of a certain lifestyle that I have chosen to live. To give all of this up means to change my life in a drastic way.  Being in this little hippie town of Santa Fe has opened my eyes to other possibilities and paths.. I see young travelers who live out of backpacks or vehicles.  I don't know if I am quite ready for that, but I am certainly feeling a draw.

Recently, I gave up my internet service and subscription to internet radio.  Now, I have to write my blog & do website work in the library, bookstores, coffee shops and friends' houses (thanks guys!)  I think I would eventually like to give up my apartment, furniture, most of my dishes and clothes, definitely my kitchen appliances, decorations and probably the awesome yellow couch my parents lament sending across country (I'll give it back!)

living room
My living room! I'll be giving up most of those books...

I want to trade in my car for a truck, possibly live in the woods for a while and save money, then buy something I can live and travel in.  I dream of an Airstream.

What I will keep are old pictures that I don't have digital copies of, essential kitchen ware, Oliver the cat (and my fish, Link2 and Zelda if they are still alive!), towels, some clothes and shoes, art supplies, my guitar, journals, yoga mat, photography equipment, camping gear and definitely all of my costumes.

I couldn't survive without these glasses!

Aspen Trees

I am obsessed with Aspen trees, so much that I have two young Aspen leaves tattooed on my foot.

Aspen colonies usually derive from one single seed, making them a single living organism. This is an underground family root system.  For this reason, Aspen trees are usually the first to pop up after a forest fire, because the roots are so far underground that they don't get damaged.

I love the idea of the family root system.  To me, it is a reminder that everything in the universe is connected at the most fundamental level.

aspen tattoo
My feet!

I am not the only person who has obsessed over these beautiful trees...

In Celtic lore, Aspen trees serve as a transformative tool, from the material to the spiritual world. They saw nature as a gateway to the mystic/spiritual.

In French religious culture, it is said that the Aspen tree was used to make Christ's cross, which is why they continue to quiver today.  Others believe the quivering is the natural "om" vibration of the universe.  Really, the flat shape of the leaves make them sensitive to the slightest breeze.

aspen trees
Aspens in Santa Fe

 In many cultures, Aspens are thought to drive off evil spirits. A general shared meaning of the Aspen is that is represents the ability to overcome fears, doubts and other obstacles. 

The Santa Fe Ski Basin has a beautiful Aspen grove.  Right now, the leaves are green, but in the fall they become golden yellow before falling to the ground. Many locals and visitors head to Aspen Vista trail to see the grove. I plan on remaining a frequent visitor to the Santa Fe Aspen grove.

Aspen Leaves
Aspen leaves in the fall

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Guru Brahma

This is a song that one of my yoga classes begins with.  Our teacher plays an accordion and we all sing. 

Guru Brahma, the Creator

Guru Brahma
Guru Vishnu

Guru devo Maheshwara

Guru Saakshaat 
Para Brahma

Tasmai Sri Gurave Namah.

Guru Vishnu, the Preserver

The teacher is creator Brahma; 
he is preserver Vishnu; 
he is also the destroyer Shiva 
and he is the source of the Absolute. 

I offer all my efforts to that great teacher.

Guru Shiva, the Destroyer

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Chapter 22 of The Life of Pi

Chapter 22 of The Life of Pi

"I can imagine an atheist's last words: "White, white! L-L-Love! My God!" - and the deathbed leap of faith. Whereas the agnostic, if he stays true to his reasonable self, if he stays beholden to the dry, yeastless factuality, might try to explain the warm light bathing him by saying, "possibly a f-f-failing oxygenation of the b-b-brain," and, to the very end, lack imagination and miss the better story. "
-Yann Martel 

John Pineda: Blackbird


Luke, at two years old, takes his mother's open hand
and tells us that she's holding a blackbird, her palm
curved, it seems, under the weight. It makes us smile.

Later, after you've fallen asleep, I find your hand
under covers, run my fingers inside the warm
cusp and touch, for the first time, its wings.

-John Pineda

Wrapped Up

"A man wrapped up in himself makes a very small bundle."

Loving My Body

Honor yourself as a unique expression of the universe. 

This isn't a direct quote, but it is my interpretation of an idea found in the book Yoga From the Inside Out: Making Peace With Your Body Through Yoga. The book was given to me by my dear friend, Ally.  I have struggled with different kinds of eating disorders for over a decade, something I have in common with the author of the book. 

I started reading the book at Ojo Caliente, a mineral springs resort.  I thought it was a wonderful place to begin my journey toward self-love and acceptance of my body.  At Ojo Caliente, hundreds of visitors pass through, and almost everybody is wearing just a bathing suit. 

Normally, in that situation, I would compare my body to every other female's body.  To me, that is normal However, Yoga from the Inside Out celebrates individuality and urges us not to become too attached to our bodies.

sun mountain
My healthy body takes me to beautiful places. 

To accept my body, fully, is difficult.  In addition to issues with my weight, I have always wanted to be shorter, taller, have better hair, better eyesight, better skin...etc.  But wanting these things doesn't mean I will have them.  All it means is I will spend time that I could be happy wanting something that is impossible. 

"Never compare your inside with somebody else's outside." 
Hugh Macleod

There is no such thing as perfection.  Perfection is always relative. The perception of beauty will always be in the eye of the beholder.  Real beauty radiates from the inside. Negativity, toward others or the self, displaces the potential for more love and beauty in any moment. 

After reading Yoga from the Inside Out, I want to have a healthy and realistic view of my body.  It's still a very conscious effort for me, but I have noticed in the past month, I have been more relaxed about the way I look.  It hasn't changed the way I look on the outside, but has increased my sense of peace on the inside.

"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience.  We are spiritual beings having a human experience.-Teilhard de Chardin

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The Greatest Adventure

“The greatest adventure is what lies ahead.
Today and tomorrow are yet to be said.
The chances, the changes are all yours to make.
The mold of your life is in your hands to break.” 
-J.R.R. Tolkein

James Madison University

Sunday, July 1, 2012


In 2007 (according to my journal), I discovered the French poet Eugène Guillevic. He isn't very well-known in the States, so it's tough to find translated works.  I wish I had known this at the time, for I was reading a randomly selected encyclopedia of poetry, passing time between classes.  Luckily, I wrote a couple of his poems in my journal.

Not a wing, not a bird, no wind, but night,
only the pulsing of soundlessness
   Life for them is hunger,
   vast spaces of hunger
   and time to cry out space
   through their hunger,
   to drift with the sea,
   to curse the sea
   that will set bounds
   to space and hunger. 

seagull florida
 Florida gull.

Scalene Triangle
Good for dancing,
On my base, on my tip,
On my sides, my other angles
It’s that I’m always
Agitated, pulled,
By the angles, by the sides
Put together by chance
Without equality.
Isosceles Triangle
I’ve succeeded in putting
Myself in a little order,
I tend to please myself. 
Equilateral Triangle
I’ve gone too far
In my concern for order
Nothing can come any more

trikonasana triangle pose
Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)

And, straight from my journal...

guillevic - eternity
I was also a professional artist in college.