Monday, May 6, 2013

"Driving Directions to Santa Fe"

That would be significantly out of the way.

This is actually the map of what my life - with Nick - is going to look like from July 9th until ??  And, just to add, this does not include July 1-9, which is driving from Santa Fe to Denver, flying to DC, taking a bus to NYC and flying back into Denver.

We just bought a car on Friday and I sold my car about an hour ago. I gave my notice at work on Thursday.   This past week has been exciting, crazy, maybe a little scary... and it's only the beginning of the adventure.

Yellowstone National Park, Glacier National Park, Banff National Park, Wrangell-St. Elias National Park, Denali National Park, Gates of the Arctic National Park, The ALCAN Highway, Vancouver, The Pacific Northwest, Mount Rushmore, Acadia National Park...etc.

So, it is likely that I will have a lot of blog updates pertaining to this trip.  Or, unlikely, depending on how much internet is available along the way!

2 countries
3 weddings
230 hours driving time
2,000 dollars in gas
13,000 miles across North America

1 comment:

  1. This is SO exciting! I can't wait to be one of the stops along your journey. :)


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