Friday, December 21, 2012

Books I am Reading

I have been known to read multiple books at a time, but this year things got out of hand.  Way out of control.  I have decided to compile a list of books I am currently reading.

1.  Wind, Sand & Stars, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
2. The Little Prince, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
3. The Sun Also Rises, Ernest Hemingway*
4. A Farewell to Arms, Ernest Hemingway*
5. The Lord of the Rings, J.R.R. Tolkien*
6. Under the Banner of Heaven, Jon Krakauer
7. The Nigger of the 'Narcissus': A Tale of the Sea, Joseph Conrad
8. Afterwards, You're a Genius, Chip Brown
9. Fire in the Mind: Science, Faith, and the Search for Order, George Johnson
10. The God Theory: Universes, Zero-Point Fields and What's Behind It All, Bernard Haisch
11. Animal, Vegetable, Miracle: A Year of Food Life, Barbara Kingsolver
12. Anna Karenina, Leo Tolstoy
13. One Hundred Years of Solitude, Gabriel García Márquez*

* Reading for the second (or third) time

And I hereby declare that I will finish all of these books before starting a new one.

I have never limited myself like this but I think I need to teach myself a lesson about following through.  I am actually looking forward to eventually only reading a book (or two) at a time.

Then I shall go to Oxford and never return! 


  1. We're soul sisters! As you might recall from our conversation on Wednesday evening, I am also a multi-book-at-the-same-time enthusiast! Love you and see you tomorrow!

  2. I too am trying to finish Anna Karenina while reading another book at the same time. Good luck!

  3. I want to finish the book before seeing the movie!


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